Whoop whoop.... after so many weeks plateauing (at least I know I'll manage maintenance!!), the scales moved.... down 1.2kg this week, bringing me to 80.8kg (12st 7lb) ..... so near but so far from the 70's.... well my lowest weight to date, and its my 6 month band anniversary!!! Wow, how fast that 6months have gone! Am pleased to have lost 19.6kg/3 stone 1lb in that time..... wow 3 stone.... would never have been able to do that without the help of the band... I love my band!!!
Looking back... what have I had to change.....: I still love my food, that hasn't changed, just what and how much I eat... I eat very few carb's, haven't had a pasta meal since being banded, hardly eat potato, occasionally have a small amount of rice, the only consistent carb would be bread, if I need a quick lunch I may have a slice of toast with peanut butter. If I go out for breakfast, I'll order the kids brekkie, if I go out for dinner I'll order an entree as my main, if we are having curry takeout I'll take a spoonful from everyone's else' curry instead of ordering one for myself. I no longer drink fizzy drinks, haven't had a diet coke since being banded..... As I'm lucky enough to be able to eat all things, I've not felt that I've had to give anything up - all things in moderation..... and yes I still enjoy my wine! Obviously, my portion sizes are hugely smaller now anything from half to 1 cup of food and this is how I'm able to loose weight. The band stops me from feeling hungry, I do know that I would not be able to survive on eating so little without the band I would be in a state of hunger!!
What else has changed..... I'm enjoying exercising - whoop! I've always done some form of exercise, but this time I enjoy it! I love zumba, and try to go 3 times a week if poss, and I love my netball on a Monday evening. I love trying on size16 clothes and buying them...... I love that I can buy clothes from most stores now and not just the outsize shops..... I love feeling more confident in how I look..... I love the fact that people are noticing and making nice comments..... I love my band!
Loving my band....