Sunday, 15 June 2014

Same old, same old......

Same old, same old,  bit late updating this week.... not much to report really!  I weighed in on Friday at 76kg, which means I've gained 1kg, although TOM was around so I normally gain then anyway.  However, if I'm completely honest I've not had the best of weeks foodwise!  Haven't tracked anything, and have drank far too much wine - so this week I'm back on track!

Does anybody else self-sabotage??  eg.  I usually buy Freddo Frog choc bars for the kids snack tin as I'm not overly keen on them, but this week bought mini crunchies, my all time fav choc bar.... why did I do that?  I ate 3, one after the other whilst watching a dvd yesterday!  Despite having my band I still at times have no self control.

I'm having a dry week (well at least up until Friday lol) and will track everything I am eating on MyFitnessPal, and see if the scales move.  Do you recall how my weight plateaued around 80kg for weeks on end, I have a feeling the same is going to happen with 75kg...., I think the only way I'm going to loose is if I have more fill and then I'd feel too tight!!  Will have to see!  Would love to be at goal 70kg for my trip back to UK in Sept.

Have you heard of Thermomix....?  I went to a demo party at the weekend and was really impressed with it, love the idea of using fresh produce/ingredients all the time and not bothering with any processed or packet foods - considering whether I'd get my money's worth out of it, or whether it'll be another kitchen appliance that ends up in the cupboard?  Its really expensive to buy out here $1939, although I believe is alot cheaper in the UK - now would I use it? ...x

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